Herbal Consultation via Email Correspondence Only


Herbal Consultation via Email Correspondence Only


Herbal Consultations are intended to help you understand specific concerns in your body (these could be outward physical symptoms such as skin concerns, scars, discoloration, etc.; internal symptoms dealing with organs, digestion, or pain; or mental symptoms such as lethargy, stress, depression, anxiety, etc.). Once you know more about the source of what is causing you discomfort, you can then begin to make decisions towards how to approach your healing process. These Herbal Consultations are not intended to diagnose or treat an illness, rather to provide a guideline to help you regain health and overcome or cope with symptoms. The recommendations made might include herbal tonics, diet suggestions, healthy activities to include in your daily routine, all natural body care products, and more. The suggestions will be fully individualized to meet your unique case. 

Through this special email correspondence option, you are able to receive guidance and insight regarding your healthcare concerns without leaving your house. Simply provide your email once you have added the Consultation to your cart. We will send you the Herbal Consultation Form and then wait for you to return it to us completed. After you have returned the form, we will analyze the information you provided and promptly respond with recommendations that we believe could aid your healing process. 

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